Tuesday, September 26, 2017

First Amendment Rights

So once again we are here butting heads in the world of same-sex marriage. I would definitely say it is pretty douchey of this couple to refuse to do a video shoot for the gay couple for the soul fact that they are gay. This is not a new issue though, there has always been discrimination against gays, and frankly this will probably never change. Not in our lifetime anyways. Now I’m not saying that this gay couple should let prejudice people push them around but come on. Do they really need to take this issue to court? Just let the mean videographers believe what they believe and leave it alone. I can imagine there are plenty of other videographers around to choose from. Keep in mind the videographers are losing money by refusing this job so there’s punishment enough.
I am not against gays, they can do their thing and be happy and I’ll go love my life too. I think we all know that discrimination is everywhere. Im sure this couple knew this too. They should ignore conflicts of interest such as this, walk away, and forget about these people. Let’s not be too petty now, you’ll be okay my homosexuals.

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