Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Lord of the Flies

1) Society is very sneaky and cruel to everyone. There is no mercy on any individual, as in no matter how many good deeds you do in your life, or even bad things…society will still try to tell you, you haven’t done enough, or you did something wrong. I would say this quote is more referring to the nonliteral killing of a persons being by breaking down their spirit, attitude, morals, etc. to eliminate who they really were as a person. If society doesn’t accept you, they will ignore you, they will avoid you at all costs to essentially delete your existence in society as a whole. Without literally killing you of course. But sometimes at this point you’d as good as dead.
2) Well no matter how well and how long a person is taught and trained how to function in society and live, breathe, and think in a civilized manner…we are animals all the same as those that surround us in nature. We are like monkeys, dogs, even lions. We are here to survive and protect our own or even more so ourselves. There is savage in us all whether we believe it or not. We are not ideal beings who are formed by the mindset of equality and following norms. We are always competing for power and wealth and when the situation arises wouldn’t you be more concerned about making sure you have food and shelter for yourself before you try to provide that to a stranger that you have no attachment to?
3) I think civilization is created for those who want the power to lead and direct people, and for the people who want leaders to tell them how to live and provide purpose in their life. People are controlled by society most definitely. There are the far and few who take power and create/change guidelines of society, but in the big picture the majority of those in existence abide by the rules of society. As much as we like to say that we rebel against society’s norms, are we really? We still follow laws and wear our seatbelts, don’t we?
4) LOF is saying that Simon should just give up on his civilized self because the savage in the boys is stronger. LOF does not want Simon trying to push and direct the boys to participate in efforts to get themselves rescued. Simon is not wanted because he is ruining ‘the fun’ on the island by trying to lead the boys and create a civilized society within the group of boys. The boys would eventually kill Simon for trying to take power and tell them what to do because that is how it works in the animal world. If the leader is ‘corrupt’ in the eyes of the people, or someone wants to challenge the leaders power. They will simply eliminate their existence. Simon is the least afraid to put himself out there. Unlike Simon, the other boys conform to the savagery because they are scared and do not want to cause trouble, they are already controlled by the society of the group. 

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