Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Four Articles Assignment

1- In one sentence, what was the research about?
2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?
3- Was there a control group?
4- How were the subjects chosen?
5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
6- How did the subjects react?
7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

Article 1: Romance and affection top most popular sexual behaviors
          1.    Diverse sexual behaviors engaged by individuals.
2.       2,000 men and women
3.        yes, technically  
4.        it was not specified
5.        Asked them questions about sex
6.       they gave their honest answers
7.       The experimenters had no expectations, they were performing a study with the purpose of better understanding humans and their behaviors.

      Article 2: Expectations for all-day schools are too high
1.       This study questions whether all day school is more/less academically beneficial than a normal school day
2.       Roughly 2000 students
3.       Not particularly
4.       sample represented 120 classes at 53 all-day schools in 13 cantons in the German-speaking part of Switzerland
5.       they studied their academic achievements throughout grade school
6.       their level of social and academic achievements were no high nor lower than those students who have normal school days
7.       yes/no. there were expectations of higher achievements in students who attend an all day school

      Article 3: Regenerative potential of cells in mouse retina
1.       the research studies the possibility of cell regeneration in the eyes of mice
2.       it is not specified
3.       yes
4.       by age, and eye condition
5.       some mice’s eyes were injured and then used to coax regenerative action in their retinas
6.       depending on the treatment, some retinal cells began to integrate with other cells in the eye, healing itself
7.       I think so, they studied the regeneration that takes place in the eyes of zebrafish in hopes of similar results in mammals
Article 4: Burdens of spousal caregiving alleviated by appreciation
1.       It is common for a person to want to or feel obligated to take care of their ailing spouse, but why?
2.       First study, 73 participants. Second study, 43 participants.
3.       No
4.       Participants were asked to keep a diary of each day explaining how they provided for their spouse
5.       They studied the interactions and emotions of the spouses to their caregivers
6.       Good emotional communication between spouses lead to better psychological wellbeing of the caregiver
7.       Not necessarily, but reactions and emotions throughout the different subjects were consistently the same. 
   Article 1:
   Article 2:
   Article 3:
   Article 4:

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Psychology: Journal One

Favorite word: Aesthetic
Least favorite word: Orifice
One thing I like about my life: My family doesn't smother me anymore.
One thing I dislike about my life: I've lost contact with people who once meant the world to me.
Profession I would like to attempt: CIA agent
Profession I'd never attempt: surgeon
Three words that describe me: Anxious, indecisive, intelligent.

Journal Writing Response

One major thing I hope to gain from this class is a better understanding of myself and the people around me. We are all so different from one another and even though there are broad, obvious reasons for these differences. Such as: mental disabilities, abusive parents, being wealthy financially, your peers where you live. I would rather hear and learn about why these things make us feel and act certain ways. I want to know why people have different reactions to one same situation. Why are some people depressed and others never frown a day in their life? Why do puppies and carnivals make us so happy? I have a lot of random questions, but that is what learning is. Asking questions, and finding answers.  

Even though Mr. Reints is crazy and probably a little mentally unstable I think I will learn a lot. He still manages to school us with some good information which is quite fortunate. He seems enthusiastic about psychology so that is exciting. Hopefully he doesn’t crack our noggin’s open with yard sticks. Anyways, psychology is a broad subject and I hope I can leave this room at the end of the year and confidently say I understand people and psych. better than I ever have before.