Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Asian Auschwitz Response Paper
            When you think of this question from a political standpoint, why wouldn’t we let this man go in peace? If gaining an upper hand over the Soviets, Germany, practically anyone, could be achieved; the sweetest gift to Ishii would be freedom for his works. There is no way any man could deny immunity in exchange for all of the research and experiments they’ve found. Dropping your tools for the rest of your life and going home with no fight is the easiest way out of all troubles caused.
            If America could come out of the situation with no conflict and no ‘dirty hands’, by all means someone is going to take it. Not that America is out of the spotlight, most people know just how nasty our government is. Think though. No one wants another war, especially if it leads to biological warfare due to Ishii, within American boundaries. It has seemed to be a rat race against the Soviets here in America forever now for power. We need to protect ourselves, and with information and research that was so valuable and rare, the brightest idea was to take our gains and leave as silently as possible. Now Americans have the upper hand in any warfare, and actually just human anatomy in general. Take that Russia.
            This world is not about equality and humanity. It is about survival, whether it includes all of the world or just you and your neighbors making it out alive. It doesn’t mean a thing to anyone as to who is getting hurt as long as it is not one’s self being hurt. If these things do not directly affect the people, it’s as if it isn’t even happening at all. America isn’t particularly close to Japan by any means so the government could get away with this dirty exchange. No one was visibly being hurt in front of America’s public eye. No war was come to with Japs and China or us and Japan. That is perfect!
            Whether the U.S. government thought they would make off with all of this Japanese research or not, without a word is beyond me. This isn’t about reputation at this point; it is about being better than everyone else taking any consequences. America is a powerful arm in this world. We have the upper hand over many countries and after these centuries of United States existence, a lot has been done to be the best. Wars, money, anything that countries want, but only we have.

            So why wouldn’t our government let Ishii and his men go? They did the dirty work for us and we didn’t need to lift a finger. Why punish them when they gave us such a wonderful gift of knowledge. Telling them to close their eyes and shut their mouths seemed fair. It has never been about the people. It is about being better than all of our peers and enemies. Why would we blink an eye for three to twelve thousand people whom have never done a thing for us?